This week was the [most recent] Worst Week Ever. Also, my [most recent] mid-life crisis. I'd like to be one of those people who handle stress so well that you'd never know something was the matter. Unfortunately, I wear my emotions like a Mike Tyson tattoo.

On Monday, I walked into my Physics class in my usual manner--sweaty and winded from the hike across campus--to find everyone already started on an extra-credit problem. I had several issues with this scenario. First, it was Monday morning at exactly 9:01am, for Pete's sake. Seriously. I hadn't even finished my second cup of coffee, which is, of course, the one that actually helps me function for trigonometry at 9:01am. I hurried to the last row with an open seat, only to have to wait for the two geniuses on either side of the desk to move their belongings within their own space. Tick, tock. My second issue with this nonsense: we had a three minute timer on the problem. I was watching my one percent exam grade bonus tick away. I finally sat down, dug out a pencil and my electronic answer-thingy, just in time to be forced to enter any answer, a WRONG answer...because, of course, the question also counted as attendance for the day. I should've known it was going to be a long week.
After Physics lab finished at 1pm (yes, FOUR hours of Physics), I headed to work. I walked through the door--didn't even put down my backpack, eat, or pee--and was immediately bombarded with the drama of the morning. "Shelly is sick, you have to cover the desk, the phones were crazy all morning, I'm so overwhelmed, oh my goodness...." Awesome. I was so frustrated by the end of the day, that when the sun visor in my car decided it didn't want to stay in the upright position (due to the SEVERE shaking and thumping of the broken wheel bearing), I punched it....and broke off the clip that [should have] held it in place.
Tuesday evening I have class beginning at 5:30pm. Luckily, I finish work around 4pm...which gives me just enough time to do absolutely nothing. I left work promptly at 4pm and entered the parking garage at my usual entrance. Typically, I drive to an upper level where a) there are more open parking spaces, and b) I'll remember where I parked. This particular Tuesday, however, I came upon an open spot very close to the building, so I took it. I proceeded to put down my windows, turn off my car, and call the auto shop. My car has been shaking and thumping for quite some time, and I finally had the name and number for a reliable and reasonably priced mechanic. I scheduled drop off for my car for Friday and hung up. I began collecting my books from the passenger seat, reached up to turn the ignition so I could close the windows, and...nothing. My car was dead. I literally hung up from the auto mechanic two seconds earlier, and my car just died. I still had the phone in my hand! That. Just. Happened.
I called Samantha and, after some venting, decided I would contact her after class to attempt a jump-start. After I Googled "How To Jump Start A Car", and what I believe to be a valiant, albeit failed, effort to do so, we decided to drive to the towing company and/or mechanic. On the way, I telephone my insurance agent to check road side coverage...only for my phone to cut out mid-call and flash red I'm-Going-To-Die-Any-Minute. To make a long story a little shorter, I spoke to the mechanic who assured me he would get the car out of the parking area tomorrow and into the garage for inspection. Until then, it was stranded unlocked and windows-down in Towson overnight.
The next day, I received an email from Towson University regarding my school loans. Panicked, I called the Financial Aid office. As the young lady accessed my information, my cell phone rang--the mechanic. So, Financial Aid on one ear and the auto mechanic on the other...
--Yes, due to a clerical error, one of your school loans has been rescinded.
--Your battery has been leaking acid needs replaced, along with all the wires connecting it to the car.
--Apparently, you were entered as a full-time student, but our records now indicate you are three-quarter time.
--The wheel bearing is so bad that the only thing holding your wheel to your car are the lug nuts.
--You owe Towson University $1500, due immediately.
--I can fix everything for you, but you're looking at $800-900, easy. And I wouldn't be surprised if there was more damage with that wheel bearing, as bad as it is.
While I realize none of these things are life-threatening serious, it was pretty overwhelming for one week. I must have looked pretty rough by the end of the day, because even my deli lady was concerned. To top it all off, this is what Enterprise gave me for a rental:
What about this car says Sheila?
I'm neurotic today because...
...after everything this week, the smell of an entire pot of burnt chili sent me over the edge tonight.
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