Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I'm Calling Out Crazy

When I ask for 'extra cheese, please', that means I would like more cheese, please, not for you to sprinkle the same amount of cheese more slowly. In case you haven't noticed, I'm white. Pasty, in fact. And if there is one thing white, pasty people like, it's cheese. It goes with our whine. I mean, wine.

I strongly believe in mental health days. I think they should be worked into benefit packages separately from vacation and sick days. Additionally, you should not have to schedule them or give notice when you decide to take one. If I spill my coffee in my lap on the way to work, I want to turn the buggy around and go back to bed. If I want Quizno's for lunch and drive all the way there to find out they've closed down, I should be able to call it a day and go home. If I randomly get cursed out via voicemail for reasons unbeknownst to me, I don't want to play anymore. I should have the freedom to take my ball and go home.

I should probably be kept away from small children today. Or anything fragile. Or anyone remotely chipper.

I'm neurotic today because...
...I'm hungry and sleep deprived, 'nough said.

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