Monday, May 24, 2010

My disconnect

I have a little problem I like to refer to as verbal 'inefficiency of words' (not to be confused with verbal diarrhea--totally different). For unknown reasons, the brilliance that resides in my cerebral cortex travels towards my lips and is spewed forth...let's just say, less than succinct.

There are few things worse to me than realizing midway through delivery that my audience thinks I'm a babbling fool. Seeing that familiar look of confusion sends my brain to its quiet place, where it will spend the rest of the conversation analyzing where it all went wrong. Who can maintain communication under such pressure?!

This is why I'd like to petition that everyone correspond solely via text. Leave me a post-it note, I'll reply by text message. Shoot me an email and I'll get back to you by way of certified letter. It's not that I want to be impersonal. It is, however, only when I can contemplate for no less than an hour, research if necessary, write the rough draft, proofread for grammar and punctuation, re-write, and then deliver, does my true wit and charm shine.

This is genius. I think I'm really onto something here.

I'm neurotic today because...
...being mute seems like a better option.


  1. post-script:
    Is it redundant to call my problem 'verbal inefficiency of words'? If we're talking verbal, it stands to reason that words are which case, is it really CLEVER that the definition of the phrase is the phrase itself?

  2. It's actually quite appropriate. While it is true, that 'verbal' usually involves 'words' what you are referring is, specifically the VERBAL expression and subsequent manipulation of words in order to submit to the listener, a coherent train of thought (and your perceived limitation with this).

    Your request to have all communiqué to be delivered in written form further augments this analysis. You would still be using words to expressively communicate your thoughts and opinions; however, the modality you prefer is quite different than the one you have identified as your area of weakness.

    Although you may see it as a little’s also quite logical...since your proficiency with using 'written' words to articulate an intelligible message in an highly entertaining fashion, is nothing short of...exceptional.

  3. Okay Jill,

    Let me see if I can do a better job at this.

    First paragraph: The term "verbal inefficiency of words" is quite accurate. I'm also using the connection she made to "verbal" and "words". It reflects what Sheila has stated as her weakness with regard to communication. When she speaks, she tends to lose her train of thought.

    Second paragraph: I'm merely emphasizing what she regards as a strength...written communication. While also trying to point out that "words" are still used in this form of communication. Writing words, as opposed to speaking words.

    Third paragraph: She's a superb writer. She has a gift with this style of writing and does it extremely well.

    So saying she has an inefficiency with VERBAL words might be accurate, but definitely not, if she were to say, she has an inefficiency with WRITTEN words. Written proficiency vs. Verbal inefficiency.

    I clearly have a "written inefficiency with words". Hope this clears things up.

  4. Couldn't agree more. If I could limit my communication to writing, people would think I was a lot smarter. But I'm ok with this, because it would be worse for someone to think I was smarter than I really am. My oral issues, hehe, are a lot different though. I don't babble. In fact, I become mute. I have plentiful thoughts and if you told me to write them down, it would look perfect to me. I just don't know how to say it. I will be in the middle of delivery and completely forget what word to use, for literally the simplest concept. And that's when I feel like I should be 5 years old so I just shut up. Long story (that I couldn't have said) short, I'm more than happy to "talk" to you via text, email, blog :)

  5. Dear xo.MyJoker.xo,
    1) I wonder who you could be?! Lol.
    2) It is NEVER worse for someone to think you're smarter than you are...remember, someone smart once said, 'fake it until you make it'. (wait, were THEY fakers?)
    3) Bring your notebook and nubby pencils next week...and make sure you outfit your nubby with one of those finger protector things. It could be a long night for us.

  6. 1. Hmm, are you sure you know? lol
    2. Being the under-achiever that I am, I definitely prefer to be perceived as dumber than I truly am.
    3. I'll bring my supplies, but I must confess...I don't do the old school pencils. For my tiny, fine point writing, I would have to sharpen them literally every couple sentences. And well, I'm just too lazy for that. Don't hold it against me, please!
