Sunday, June 6, 2010

Enigma, I am not

I have a difficult time disguising how I feel.

In the event I don't just come right out and tell you (which, these days, is rare), just look at me and you'll figure it out. When I'm angry, my cheeks and ears turn bright red. Occasionally, anger comes with a side of pulsating blood vessel in the temple region. If I'm upset about something, I keep to myself. Misery, in my case, prefers to be left the hell alone. When I'm around my family and close friends (all five of them), I'm most myself, and generally pretty goofy and easy-going. If I don't know my company well, I'm shy. In a somewhat related matter, I've also been described as a stick-in-the-mud. I know. Unbelievable, right? Me? I don't know into what category of emotion that goes...maybe a separate one for when my company annoys me?

Anyway, I do have a point to make. If your perma-perkiness causes you to speak five octaves above normal tone of voice all the time, I would like to poke you with a stick. Repeatedly. I'm sorry, nobody can be that happy. It's just not real. And furthermore, it's irritating. Please stop.

That is all.

I'm neurotic today because...
...I swear, if you call me moody I'm gonna cry. Or laugh at you. Or lash out in a fit of rage. But I will under no circumstance speak to you like I just got kicked in the family jewels. If I had family jewels.


  1. we are definitely related with the face and ears getting red, and wanting to be left alone when upset.

  2. Based on your last blog...those jewels might be on their way :)

    Agreed about the perma-chearleader and wearing emotions on my face. I'll (almost) always say that I'm fine, but my face or voice always tells the truth. If I'm pissy, it's "I'm fine" in a short manner, with my voice getting higher at the end. If I'm sad, it's a slower "I'm fine" or "I'm alright", ending in a lower tone.

    Cheers to smacking the perma-chearleaders in the face! (No offense to any chearleaders that are reading this)
