Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Mooooove over, I have a new idea

Today on my drive home, I saw a home made sign Scotch-taped to the back of a pickup truck that read: 'The closer you tailgate, the slower I drive'.

I thought it was brilliant for two main reasons:
a) it's hard to be mad at someone who warned you ahead of time;
2) he made his own bumper sticker. Ghetto or not, his bumper decor is one of a kind, and I like that.

It might be fun to get into the bumper sticker business. I have some decent opinions, and occasionally come off with a good one-liner. The problem arises not in the making of the bumper sticker, but in the sticking of the bumper sticker. Is there anything I feel that strongly about that I want it forever stuck to my car (with the exception that I should be a 'Blog of Note')? I admire tailgater guy because he has conviction. He had an idea. He materialized the idea. He plastered it (sort of) to his vehicle. That, my friends, is commitment.

But then again, there is Vegetarian Volvo to consider. (It wasn't really a Volvo, but I like alliteration. It makes me happy. So roll with it, mkay?) Poor Vegetarian Volvo. Plastered across the tail end of this vehicle were pictures of huge cow heads. Yes, cow heads. Oh, and gruesome details about how they're being abused in order to feed the insensitive meat eaters of the world. Ew. Too much information. I can play nice and respect your opinions about politics, religion and my mama. But please do not talk to me about my steak. I like steak. And while I don't approve of bovine abuse, I certainly don't want to think about what happens from the pasture to my plate. Especially not on my way home for dinner. I'm sorry. That is insensitive. But true.

To bumper sticker or not to bumper sticker? That is the question.

I'm neurotic today because...
...I'm too middle of the road for bumper sticker commitment. What I could be down for is a clear plastic sleeve tacked to the rear of my car so that if I feel strongly about something that day, I can jot it down on a note card and slide it in the sleeve for display....with the peace of mind that I can change my mind tomorrow.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am loving this one. Sidenote: I have a friend who was recently harrassed by a vegan as he attempted to enjoy his really bad steak at lunch. She went on at length, apparently, about how cruel and inhumane it is. He, in all his brilliance (just one reason I adore him) told her that he is a Vegetation Rights Activist. It is his job, he said, to protect vegetation of every kind and cattle, being herbivores, eat the vegetation, which is cruuuuuel to the vegetation as well as their emissions of methane which are destroying the environment. Therefore, his eating the beef is saving the vegetation and the atmosphere. Or, as I put it, he is saving the rainforests one cow at a time.
