Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Word From My Couch Nap

I've been in recovery mode all day....mostly because of an obnoxious p90x video, but a little because of the events of last evening.

It was another eventful day, and proof again that when plans involve me, they rarely go as intended. That's not to say it was a bad day. In fact, it was awesome. Is there anything better than live music with five of your favorite people? I think not.

Due to conflicting tailgating information on the venue's website, our plan was to meet around 4pm for pre-concert drinks/food at an area restaurant. This gave me just enough time to hit the gym before I had to shower and prepare for the evening. In my excitement, however, I experienced a temporary moment of insanity and suggested to my friend Sarah that we also complete one video of the p90x exercise series. In retrospect, I might have been too ambitious...and just a tad oblivious about the recovery time for such a venture. Nevertheless, I finished my hour-long workout at the gym, came home still riding my endorphin high, and powered through the 50 minute p90x workout. Well, most of the 50 minute workout. I apparently can't do a push up to save my life. Plus, that video is no joke.

Fast forward through the workout pain, past the showering and primping, to departure time. A last minute discovery that Merriweather Post Pavilion does indeed allow tailgating sent us into a bit of a frenzy. We ditched the restaurant for the mall food court, took a detour through the suburbs in search of a beer store, performed a 40 mph illegal u-turn into concert traffic, cut off a total jackass to merge into the single coned-off lane of vehicles, and arrived safely in the parking lot nearly an hour before showtime. Phew. Incidentally, I was carded at the beer store. I thanked the Asian man behind the counter for the compliment. He replied, 'That's your problem, not mine'. Huh? I was told that he was paying me a compliment and followed up the statement with, 'for looking so young', but I didn't hear him. Even if I did hear him, I still don't get it.

After we finished the beverages we had in tow, our group headed into the show. Little did we know that everyone in the Baltimore/DC area had already arrived inside and staked their claim to every inch of grass on the lawn. Merriweather, you sold too many tickets. Fire codes were broken, for the love of Pete. I had to exchange words with a tall lanky man and his frowny female companion in order to find a 4x4 area to lay out our blanket. This could really launch into another full blog about concert etiquette...heck, it just might. For now let me just say that it was, in the words of my good friend Beth, the douchiest concert crowd ever.

Wait! Don't go. There is so much more I could say! I didn't tell you that our suburban detour was due to a faulty GPS, and instead of taking us to the beer store it took us to KinderCare. Oh, or how Fake Andy crashed our post-concert tailgate and started a fight with Sara-no-H about Michigan vs. Penn State. Or about how one of our own almost peed herself. Or how after the show Amanda and I polished off an entire platter of the best cheese fries known to man.

I'm neurotic today because... butt and inner thighs hurt so badly that I have to brace myself when I squat down to use the toilet, and I cried a little tear when I took my black sharpie across 'Jack Johnson concert' on the calendar this morning.

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